Many of us are asking, “What can we do today to make our lives better?” The world has yet to return back to a state of equilibrium, one might even say that it never really reached that point. Our normal wasn’t so normal, was it? Our world is shifting greatly, especially in the way that we think. Here at Quartz & Canary all of our pieces are selected with a purpose. I (Andrea, the founder) knew with conviction I had to create this collection. To say that it was guided is an understatement. From meditations, to waking up with the idea – I was told to make sure I created Angels that people could universally wear.
Introducing the Archangel Collection
Some might say that I used my intuitive nature to summon divine intervention. You can see this intervention located in our exclusive coveted Archangel collection. These angels were designed, fabricated, and finished entirely in Canada. These are exclusively made by Q&C. I knew that at that moment archangel guidance was something that everybody could benefit from. Some people call them Saints, some people call them Angels. Irrelevant to the title, the energies of the celestial plane provide our human civilization guidance on some level. I specifically thought that three Angels were needed to begin this collection. This idea also came from the success we had from the original Archangel Michael pendant we released in 2020. It was important to begin with the three more prominent Angels that we knew many people required.
Archangel Michael
Beginning with a classic, Archangel Michael was a must. Known as the Angel of protection and the Angel that has a beacon of blue light, Michael is the well known protector of earth and its inhabitants. I made sure to invoke his protective power by accentuating the sword that he carries in his hand. The details on this piece are extraordinary. We wanted you to ALWAYS feel protected. Michael comes with the energy of condemning any evil and doing away with darkness. In a time where we feel the world has gone through much darkness we wanted everyone to feel like the blue light of this Angelic force was with them every step of the way.
Available in two colours, Archangel Michael in Gold and Archangel Michael in Silver.
Archangel Raphael
The next Angel comes with the caduceus or the hermetic symbol in hand. Archangel Raphael was another must have for this collection. It is without a doubt that our world is in deep need of healing. Most individuals are dealing with some sort of physical, mental or emotional crisis that requires some Angelic support. We all use a little bit of divine intervention! The caduceus or commonly known medical symbol is Archangel Raphael‘s way of bestowing healing upon the wearer. Known for his green light and penetrable energy that surrounds the body invoking recalibration, Archangel Raphael is something we all need. In the time where HEALTH and WELLNESS has been a great focus, Archangel Raphael comes with a great might and healing.
Available in two colours, Archangel Raphael in Gold and Archangel Raphael in Silver.
Archangel Gabriel
Last but certainly not least, Archangel Gabriel is the messenger Angel. I made sure to accentuate the horn-like trumpet he carries in his hand to show that his energy brings with it a strong voice and message to all. This Angel should be used for those who are in public speaking, have a role of communication or use their voice more so than others. Needless to say, this Angelic support is also effective for those who have issues around communicating or speaking their truth thoughts... This Angel is excellent for the guided energy it holds for truth seekers and communicators far and wide. We all need a little healing when it comes to how we use our voices. Archangel Gabriel reminds us to use our communication with a ton of compassion and love.
Available in two colours, Archangel Gabriel in Gold and Archangel Gabriel in Silver.
I intend to continue bringing Angelic support into our collection and expanding this series with new angels annually. It is our intention to continue moving this collection forward and provide people with this classic, genderless, and high vibrational pendant that can be universally applied on a chain or on a bracelet. Wink wink - we might have just given you a secret! Whether your faith and beliefs are spiritual, religious or none of the above, Angels are simply a symbol of hope. Use them to change how you move in your day-to-day life. How we present our energy is vital to how this world rotates. May we present it better, bring love forward and soar with the Angels.
Give the gift of angelic support to a loved one or to yourself. Divine intervention always comes at the perfect time.
Sending love.
Andrea Di Paolo